Your choice.
Managed accounts tailored to suit your business...
Move confidently into the future!
Philo is like no other provider of managed account services. Our unique approach will allow your business* to:
Offer a managed account service that integrates with a major institutional platform
Nominate your preferred asset consultant and / or investment manager to run model portfolios for the benefit of your clients
Have significant input into the design of the service, including the model portfolios
Brand the service to suit your preferences
Tap into the experience of managed account professionals that have designed and managed some of Australia’s largest and most successful managed account services
Offer your clients an outstanding investment experience with material advantages over outdated methods of managing client portfolios
Philo is also developing a single managed account service that can be offered over multiple platforms.
Philo works with you to tailor a managed account solution that supports your business strategy and goals. Our experience building next generation managed accounts can work for you and your clients!
(* subject to regulation, due diligence and consent of third parties)